CALL 811 or 800-292-8989


Iowa law requires anyone who plans to dig even one inch into the ground to call IOWA ONE CALL, a service that notifies utilities of an individual's plans to dig. A representative from each utility will come to the home to inform where wires and cables are buried so digging will not disturb them.

Exceptions to the IOWA ONE CALL law are people who are doing usual farm work such as plowing, cultivating, planting, harvesting or replacing fence posts in pre-dug holes. There is no need to call unless digging deeper than 15 inches.

A nick in an underground wire can cause electric or telephone service to be interrupted. Worse yet, it could electrocute the digger! It is easy to avoid these problems. Dial 811 or 800-292-8989 at least 48 hours before starting a job. Utilities will be notified immediately and have 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, to send a locator to the site of the dig.




Iowa One Call is pleased to announce that homeowners and one-time excavators can now use the newly streamlined system to submit requests online. Getting started is as simple as clicking on a link and entering the email address. The user will be sent a link by return email to verify the request. Once a click is made on the accompanying link, the ticket entry Website will be accessed to submit a request.

Click here for New Homeowner and One-Time Excavator Service