Tree Guidelines


Consumers Energy is dedicated to providing our members a safe and reliable energy source - electricity. However, trees planted too close to powerlines can significantly impact the cooperative's ability to deliver a safe and reliable product. A clear right-of-way (ROW) is essential.

Trees growing in or around the powerlines are the #1 cause of blinks and outages on Consumers Energy's system. This means inconvenient interruption in electric service. For co-op members, it means a trouble call for line crews and added expense to restore the outage.

Both the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and the Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) require electric cooperatives to have effective tree trimming, ROW clearing, and maintenance programs in place.


Consumers Energy's Right-of-Way (ROW) Program


Consumers Energy will maintain ROW clearance over, along, and across the premises where powerlines are located. Cycles and methods are determined using best judgment, knowledge of local factors, and industry standards.  The cooperative uses contractors and employees to perform ROW work. If a tree or shrub appears close to a powerline, do not attempt to prune it yourself. Call Consumers Energy at 800-696-6552 or by selecting this link for assistance and recommendations prior to any trimming.