Start/Stop Service

Moving in?

To start electric service, please complete the membership application at the link below:



Moving out?

To stop electric service, please complete the stop service request at the link below:




Or call Consumers Energy at 641-752-1593 or 800-696-6552.


Service Options

  • Installing new service.
  • Transferring service.
  • Upgrading service.
  • Installing temporary service.
  • Relocating cooperative electric lines and equipment.
Start/Stop Service1


  •  A deposit may be required from any member or prospective member intended to guarantee partial payment of bills for service.
  •  No deposit shall be required as a condition for service other than determined by application through a credit verification process.
  •  A new or additional deposit may be required from a member when a deposit has been refunded or is found to be inadequate.  A member will receive notice by phone, mail or electronic mail advising them of any new or additional deposit requirement.
  •  Upon completion of good payment record for 12 consecutive months, the deposit plus interest will be refunded.
  • Any deposit plus accumulated interest, less any unpaid electric bill of the member, shall be refunded during settlement of a final billing upon termination of the service.